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Temporary residence for the purpose of business is granted maximum for three years, it is possible to renew it.

It is possible to file application for the granting of temporary residence for the purpose of business at consulate or police department, if conditions are met for filing application at police.

All particulars of the application for granting temporary residence must be submitted; otherwise, application will not be accepted.

Administrative fee is 240 EURO, if application is filed at consulate, or 232 EUR, if application is filed at police department.


  1. Filled in application form
  2. Power of attorney, signature must be legalized
  3. Valid travel document
  4. Two photos of size 3 x 3.5 cm
  5. Purpose of residence, documents must not be older than 90 days:
    1. Commercial register extract
    2. Articles of association/Foundation Deed
    3. Minutes of the General Meeting/Decision of the Sole Partner that director is appointed (legalized (verified) signatures of shareholders are required)
  6. Documents on accommodation, documents must not be older than 90 days:
    1. statutory declaration of the foreigner on ownership of the real estate – signature must be legalized (verified)
    2. lease contract concluded with a real estate owner or user and a document proving the entitlement to use the real restate in the case of lease contract with a real estate user – all signatures must be legalized (verified)
    3. confirmation of the accommodation facility on the provision of accommodation or
    4. statutory declaration of all real estate owners on provision of accommodation – all signatures must be legalized (verified)
  7. Integrity. It is proved by criminal record certificate of the country he/she is a national to and the country where the third-country national has stayed during last three years for the period longer than 90 days within six consecutive months. It must not be older than 90 days. It must be with apostille or superlegalized and officially translated into Slovak by Slovak official translator. In case of changing purpose of residence criminal record certificate is not required.
  8. Documents of financial resources in the amount of subsistence minimum for each month of residence (until 30.06.2021 the subsistence minimum is 214.83 EURO/month), if the residence length exceeds one year, financial resources must be demonstrated in the amount of twelvefold subsistence minimum. It is proved by confirmation of the account balance, which must not be older than 90 days, from a bank in the Slovak republic or a personal bank account statement for the last three months, if personal account is in a foreign bank. Minimum 2577,96 EURO must be on the account.
  9. Documents of financial resources for the business activities in the amount of one hundred times the subsistence minimum (at least in the amount of 21483 EUR). It is proved by confirmation of the account balance, which must not be older than 90 days, from a bank in Slovak republic or a personal bank account statement for the last three months, if personal account is in a foreign bank.

A police department shall decide on the application for the granting of temporary residence within 90 days from the date of delivery full application.

After granting temporary residence police department will make ID card within 30 days. It is required to pay for collection ID card 4,50 EURO or 24,50 EURO (ID card will be prepared within two working days). It is required to pay 3 EURO for ID card delivery.

Within three working days from collecting ID card it is required to conclude health insurance. Commercial health insurance will be required.

After granting temporary residence within 30 days from collecting ID card it is required to submit on the police department these documents:

  1. Health insurance document.
  2. Medical report certifying that the foreign national does not suffer from an illness endangering public health. List of medical facilities you can find here. In case of changing purpose of state medical report is not required.