Basic information

The domain www.anastasiia-zhylkova.sk  (hereinafter referred to as the “website”) is the registered internet address of the entrepreneur Mgr. Anastasiia Zhylkova, Švabinského 1063/1, 851 01 Bratislava, IČO: 53 403 461.

Personal data of website users
Mgr. Anastasiia Zhylkova fully respects the privacy and personal data of website users and therefore does not actively monitor the behavior of website users through cookies and other similar analytical applications. Mgr. Anastasiia Zhylkova can use Google Analytics.
When using the Internet, applications (such as cookies, plugins, embeds) of third parties are launched or may be launched, they are necessary for the security and proper functioning of the internet network, website and through these aplications third parties may also obtain certain information about users of the website. Mgr. Anastasiia Zhylkova has no access to the data obtained through such applications on the website.
Third parties
The contractual provider of web hosting services for the website is the company WebSupport s. r. o., Karadžičova 7608/12, 821 08 Bratislava, IČO: 36 421 928 (hereinafter referred to as the “provider”). The Provider is processor pursuant to the provisions of Art. 28 of GDPR. Provider processes personal data about website users to the same extent as they are processed by Mgr. Anastasiia Zhylkova. Provider is not authorized to interfere with the content of Internet presentations located on the website and he is not also authorized to monitor or postpone e-mail, with the exception of performing regular backup activities for Mgr. Anastasiiu Zhylkovu. Details on the rights and obligations of the provider can be found at https://www.websupport.sk/obchodne-podmienky and on the website https://www.websupport.sk/ochrana-osobnych-udajov.
Information according to GDPR
In case of questions concerning the processing of personal data by Mgr. Anastasiia Zhylková on the website, contact her by email: anazhilkova@gmail.com.


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